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From the Ground Up 


For three generations,Van Bree Enterprises has been at the heart of community building. It all started in 1966 when founder Paul Van Bree Sr. purchased his first bulldozer. Today, Van Bree provides top-notch construction services for farms, municipalities, and businesses. Explore our timeline – Discover how we keep Laying the Ground Work to Make Life Easier!

Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Limited is amalgamated with CH Excavating: to form Van Bree Infrastructure. The occasion is marked by a celebration with clients and supply partners at the Hilton Grand Ballroom in London.


Van Bree Infrastructure

Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Limited is amalgamated with CH Excavating: to form Van Bree Infrastructure. The occasion is marked by a celebration with clients and supply partners at the Hilton Grand Ballroom in London.


Inland Pit

New Screw is added to the washing plant.

A new 48" Aggre-Dry sand washing and de-watering screw was installed at VB Sand & Gravel’s Inland Pit. The new unit allows us to produce high-quality washed sand products, while lowering the moisture content in our finished concrete and asphalt sands. This investment benefits redi-mix and asphalt producers by eliminating the need to have larger volumes on hand. It also reduces drying costs before production starts.
2023- construction of scale house on newly purchased Hunt Pit.JPEG


Hunt Pit

Van Bree - expanding gravel market to the East - purchases Hunt Pit to better serve customers in that area.


Langan Pit

The Langan Pit is restored back to productive farm land.

2023-Langan Pit restored to productive farmland.JPEG
Van Bree acquires CH Excavating and Choice Inc.


CH Excavating

Van Bree acquires CH Excavating and Choice Inc.


New Scale House and ticketing System

A new updated scale house and electronic ticketing system is making life easier for customers!

A new updated scale house and electronic ticketing system is making life easier for customers!


Griffin becomes owner

Griffin Van Bree joins his brother as an owner - working to ensure the family business that their grandfather started, and their dad grew, continues to thrive.


50 Year Employee

Arnold VandenNieuwenhuizend celebrates 50 years with Van Bree! (Arnold started wth the company in the summer of 1970)

Arnold VandenNieuwenhuizend celebrates 50 years with Van Bree! (Arnold started wth the company in the summer of 1970)
Klondyke Developments starts the first phase of the Errol Woods Subdivision.


​Errol Woods

Klondyke Developments starts the first phase of the Errol Woods Subdivision.


Grateful Neighbours

Grateful neighbours host a thank you BBQ for the VB Crew on Talfourd Street in Sarnia

Grateful Neighbours host a thank you BBQ for the VB Crew on Talfourd Street in Sarnia


PJ becomes owner

Son, P.J. Van Bree becomes an owner, with a desire to continue the family business that their grandfather started and their dad grew to the succesful company it is today.


50 Years in Business!

50 Years in Business!
In 2015, the Lobo Pit is restored and as of 2023, Willow and Water repurposed the property as a retreat for horseback riding with many trails through the bush and around the ponds


In 2015, the Lobo Pit is restored and as of 2023, Willow and Water repurposed the property as a retreat for horseback riding with many trails through the bush and around the ponds


Van Bree purchases a Wolfe 8000 - that can dig a trench with an 8' depth and a with of 24-48"

Van Bree purchases a Wolfe 8000 - that can dig a trench with an 8' depth and a with of 24-48"
First Housing Development by Klondyke?


First Housing Development by Klondyke


40 Years in Business!

2007-VanBree 40yr Newspaper.jpg


First Crusher was purchased.


ISO Certified

Quality is important to Van Bree and becoming ISO Certified contributes to ensuring every job is completed to the highest degree.

Quality is important to Van Bree and becoming ISO Certified contributes to ensuring every job is completed to the highest degree.
Van Bree starts recycling construction materials such as wood, asphalt and concrete.


Van Bree starts recycling construction materials such as wood, asphalt and concrete.


Van Bree outgrows the office trailer and builds a new office on Nauvoo Road, Warwick Township

Van Bree outgrows the office trailer and builds a new office on Nauvoo Road, Warwick Township
A new pit was purchased and Lobo Sand & Gravel was established.


A new pit was purchased and Lobo Sand & Gravel was established.


Pro Drainage

Pearson Brothers was purchased and Van Bree added farm drainage to their line of work to service the farmers in the area.

Pearson Brothers was purchased and Van Bree added farm drainage to their line of work to service the farmers in the area.
With more demand for gravel and to better service our customers, the Inland Pit just East of Arkona was established.


With more demand for gravel and to better service our customers, the Inland Pit just East of Arkona was established.


Moved from the in-house office to an office trailer where Christine Van Bree hired her first in-office employee to help her with the books.

Paul Sr. traded a house he owned in Forest for a washing plant to make concrete sand for customers.


Paul Sr. traded a house he ownded in Forest for a washing plant to make concrete sand for customers.


First gravel truck was purchased to start making deliveries to our customers.

First gravel truck was purchased to start making deliveries to our customers.
Paul Van Bree Jr. graduated and came on board and grew Van Bree Drainage to include sewer and watermain work while Paul Van Bree Sr. focused on new venture to manufacture sand & gravel. Sales doubled that year.


Paul Van Bree Jr. graduated and came on board and grew Van Bree Drainage to include sewer and watermain work while Paul Van Bree Sr. focused on new venture to manufacture sand & gravel. Sales doubled that year.


With only the exhaust visible, we managed to rescue our new dozer at a Job in Warwick Township.

With only the exhaust visible, we managed to rescue our new dozer at a Job in Warwick Township.
The Super 7 wheel machine made the drainage jobs move a little faster


The Super 7 wheel machine made the drainage jobs move a little faster


First time a laser was used to measure and align the grade of a trench at Van Bree's first job in Exeter.


Paul Van Bree Sr. continues to grow the drainage operations while Frank Van Bree started his own excavating company.


Van Bree Drainage & Bulldozing Limited is established by Paul Van Bree Sr. and his brother Frank Van Bree. Paul remembers the first municipal work that was completed was the "Reid Drain" in the Township of Adelaide.

First dozer purchased by Paul Van Bree Sr.


First dozer purchased by Paul Van Bree Sr.

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